Posts tagged: feminism
Cyberfeminism Revisited
Haraway's 'Manifesto for Cyborgs' at 30
Feminism and the Politics of Pleasure: Lynne Segal on Straight Sex, Second Time Around
Lynne Segal: ‘The language of sex is still phallocentric’
Sheila Rowbotham: Looking back at Woman’s Consciousness, Man’s World
Juliet Mitchell: Looking back at Woman’s Estate
'Ageing male psyche and the Jewish penis' — By Lynne Segal
If you focus on the performance when you think about sex work, and don’t think about the lives of the workers themselves, the management has won - London Review of Books
Melissa Gira Grant: Anti-sex work laws hurt the women they're meant to protect
Judith Butler, the Iconoclast: Elisabeth Roudinesco on Judith Butler
Melissa Gira Grant debates sex work with Mary Honeyball on Channel 4 News