Posts tagged: feminism
Michele Wallace on Black Macho and "the dream world of Black Power"
'Liberation for some is liberation for none': Reni Eddo-Lodge on women and black radical movements
The Sexual Counter-Revolution: Shulamith Firestone on neo-Freudianism and women's oppression
"I have no delusions. I am playing"—Leonora Carrington's Madness and Art
'Never to touch pen, brush, or pencil again'—The Madness of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Blog-Post for Cyborgs—McKenzie Wark on Donna Haraway's 'Manifesto for Cyborgs' 30 years later
The Limits of Trans Liberalism—By Nat Raha
Sylvie Tissot: "D" for Delphy
The French 'integration' model is a tragedy — Christine Delphy on race, caste, and gender in France
'White Woman as a Symbol of Civilization'—Vron Ware's Beyond the Pale explores feminism and racism
'How I Saw It Then, How I See It Now'—Michele Wallace reflects on Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman