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Verso Book Club
Our world is changing quickly, from global politics and environmental collapse, to the rise of right-wing political movements and serious economic crises. What hasn't changed is Verso's 50 year-long commitment to radical publishing.
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United Kingdom
Showing 1–24 of 105 results:
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Street-Fighting Years: An Autobiography of the Sixties
Believe Nothing until It Is Officially Denied: Claud Cockburn and the Invention of Guerrilla Journalism
If... Stands Up
Shattered Nation: Inequality and the Geography of A Failing State
Paul Foot: A Life in Politics
Fragments against My Ruin: A Life
The Vote: How It Was Won and How It Was Undermined
Bloody Panico!: or, Whatever Happened to The Tory Party
The Shadow of the Mine: Coal and the End of Industrial Britain
Workshop of the World: Essays in People's History
Someone Else's Empire: British Illusions and American Hegemony
The Party's Over: The Rise and Fall of the Conservatives from Thatcher to Sunak
The Hidden Injuries of Class
The Twilight of Unionism: Ulster and the Future of Northern Ireland
Making the Revolution Global: Black Radicalism and the British Socialist Movement before Decolonisation
We're Here Because You Were There: Immigration and the End of Empire
Is Socialism Possible in Britain?: Reflections on the Corbyn Years
Our Bloc: How We Win
A Very British Conspiracy: The Shrewsbury 24 and the Campaign for Justice
Scotland After Britain: The Two Souls of Scottish Independence
Rentier Capitalism: Who Owns the Economy, and Who Pays for It?
Charged: How the Police Try to Suppress Protest
Red List: MI5 and British Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century
The Care Crisis: What Caused It and How Can We End It?