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Verso Book Club
Our world is changing quickly, from global politics and environmental collapse, to the rise of right-wing political movements and serious economic crises. What hasn't changed is Verso's 50 year-long commitment to radical publishing.
Help us to continue this vital radical publishing tradition.
Art & Culture
Showing 1–24 of 176 results:
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The Parthenon Marbles: The Case for Reunification
The Absence of Myth: Writings on Surrealism
What Comes After Farce?: Art and Criticism at a Time of Debacle
A Child in Palestine: The Cartoons of Naji al-Ali
Disordered Attention: How We Look at Art and Performance Today
Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography
Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest
Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism
The Origin of German Tragic Drama
Heretical Aesthetics: Pasolini on Painting
Viewing Velocities: Time in Contemporary Art
Writers and Missionaries: Essays on the Radical Imagination
New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future
Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship
Monumental Lies: Culture Wars and the Truth about the Past
The Choreography of Everyday Life
Crisis as Form
Everything, All the Time, Everywhere: How We Became Postmodern
The Communist Postscript
Last Futures: Nature, Technology and the End of Architecture
Portraits: John Berger on Artists
Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth
Capitalism and the Camera: Essays on Photography and Extraction
The Emancipated Spectator