Posts tagged: germany
The release of two recent books on the history of East Germany has reignited debates on the meaning of historical memory in Central Europe. Here, Lizzy Kinch asks what the controversy means about Germany's past and its political future.
Capital and Culture: Musil's Politics
Robert Musil was one of the great novelists of twentieth-century Europe. A recently translated collection of his essays, Literature and Politics, Drew Dickerson argues, can help us see more clearly the historical and political context of his masterpiece, The Man without Qualities.
Max Weber, victim of police violence
Sonia Herzbrun-Dayan, Michael Löwy and Eleni Varikas on Max Weber
"Get up, Arthur, today is revolution!!"
It is often overlooked that the insurrectionary demonstrations in Germany's November 1918 Revolution were largely made up of women who worked in the munitions factories or the home (and often both). Cläre Casper-Derfert was a factory worker and the only woman of the Revolutionary Stewards. This is her account of the November Revolution.
Wolfgang Fernbach and the “Spartacus uprising”
This January is the centenary of the Spartacus Uprising in Germany. The most famous victims of the wave of repression that followed were Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, but one of the first victims of the counter-revolutionary violence was Wolfgang Fernbach. In this article, his grandson David Fernbach discusses his life and legacy.
A Christmas with Marx: Elmar Altvater (1938-2018)
On the death of the influential left-wing political scientist.
The Black Façade of the Universities of German Revisionism (1968)
A Maoist critique of the East German university system published in 1968 by the Shanghai Red Guards.
Just Short of the "Conscious Leap": Ernest Mandel in 1968
Jan Willem Stutje describes Ernest Mandel's experiences in Berlin with Rudi Dutschke and on the barricades in Paris during 1968.
On the Vitality of Marxian Thought: Elmar Altvater, 1938–2018
Elmar Altvater has died, shortly before his 80th birthday.
For the Many, Not the Few
The German Left needs a new road out of the false alternatives of renationalization and humanitarian cosmopolitanism.
More Than One Idea
A 2016 book reveals pro-European intellectuals of the 1930s who greeted Nazi invasion as a historic opportunity for their project.
For a Radical Refoundation of Europe
Étienne Balibar lays down the political conditions for a historic refoundation of the EU, based on a new type of federation.