Posts tagged: environment
What links Karl Marx, William S. Burroughs, Dalit struggles in India and the Yetties' famous Muckspreader Song? Ed Emery writes on the centrality of excrement, both metaphorical and literal, to the modern world.
A Frontline Response to Andreas Malm
Earth First! activist Madeline ffitch responds to Andreas Malm: "What if the mass climate movement was focused on supporting frontline direct action?"
Is Sabotage a Pipe Dream?
Alyssa Battistoni responds to Andreas Malm, part of Verso's new ebook, Property Will Cost Us the Earth: "It is oddly comforting to think that blowing up a pipeline would succeed where existing movements have failed."
We Are of the Earth—A Manifesto
A climate manifesto from the Frente Nacional Anti-Minero in Ecuador, a new national front of seventy-eight communities and organizations organizing against mining and for anti-capitalist resistance.
Andreas Malm introduces Verso's new free ebook, Property Will Cost Us the Earth
"There can be only one accurate description of the situation: out of control."
5 Book Plan: Oceans and Capitalism
Liam Campling and Alejandro Colás, authors of the book Capitalism and the Sea, pick 5 books for understanding the politics of the world's oceans.
Rare Gems
Martín Arboleda talks extractivism, financialization, and the Global South in this interview deep dive into his book, Planetary Mines: Territories of Extraction Under Late Capitalism
We Must Nationalise Total
In this interview, Verso author Andreas Malm talks climate politics, the state, and revolution, arguing that the left must politicise the climate crisis in order to effectively fight its driving forces.
Nature Is Always a Political Force: An Interview with Razmig Keucheyan
In this age of compounding climate crisis, how should we understand the relationship between politics and nature?Sociologist and leftist organizer Razmig Keucheyan reflects on the answer through this thoughtful discussion of environmental racism, consumerism, and pandemic.
For a Neo-Leninism
There's no question that we're living in a moment of ecological crisis precipitated by capitalism's insatiable drive to expansion, but how should the left organise itself in the fight to prevent ecological collapse? Frédéric Lordon argues that the left must adopt a neo-Leninist position in order to develop and maintain a strategic, macroscopic objective in opposition to capitalism.
Towards Fossil Fascism?
Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective explore the historical basis, political arguments and future implications of the far right's role in the climate crisis. Far right governance gives rise to ecofascism and a future built on crisis and nationalism.
When Does the Fightback Begin?
Andreas Malm response to critics of How to Blow Up a Pipeline and asks when, and how, will the militant resistance movement emerge.