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American civilisation's dominance over Europe - and what to do about it
‘Civilisation’ - a hard term to define. But while every society has a distinctive culture, authentic civilisations must offer those they subjugate an attractive way of life. Their imprint outlasts their imperium.
A century ago, Debray argues, there was a European civilisation of which America was an outlying culture; but today the relationship is reversed. ‘In 1900, an American of taste was a European in exile; in 2000, a trendy European is a frustrated American – or one waiting for a visa’. Characteristic of American civilization is its three overarching fetishes: space, image and happiness. America is a civilization of space and image, whereas Europe was one of time and writing. And its kitsch infantilism blinds itself to the tragic complexities of human life. A measure of America’s success is how its ‘globish’ jargon has so successfully infiltrated European languages.
For Debray, the dominance of American civilisation is a historical fait accompli, yet he sees a model for Europe in Vienna after its exclusion from the German Reich. For decades to come, Europe can still offer a rich cultural seedbed. ‘Some will call it decadence, others liberation. Why not both?’
This book is not only a reflection on the Americanization of the globe, but also a meditation on the notion of civilization.
Régis Debray, ironic chronicler of the world of yesterday and a master of cheerful pessimism, sees humanity as well able to weather the replacement of European civilization by a new one coming from the west.
Debray invites us to accept our decadence, offering as his model Vienna at the turn of the twentieth century, with its extraordinary flourishing of art and culture.
Régis Debray, who understands better than anyone the significance of myths and images in the glory of civilizations, helps us rediscover what the fascination with America conceals.