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Richard James Blackburn
Blog post
Robin Blackburn on the History of Slavery and Capitalism in the Americas
Reading list
Robin Blackburn: A Lifetime of Scholarship on Slavery and its Abolition
Blog post
Robin Blackburn: Disaster down to the vices of financialisation, not the burden of welfare
Blog post
Young radicals Tariq Ali, Robin Blackburn and Régis Debray in Gimme Some Truth
Blog post
Power to the People! John Lennon talks to Tariq Ali and Robin Blackburn on revolution and class struggle
Blog post
Andrei Platonov, the Bush doctrine, and Robin Blackburn on human rights—new issue of New Left Review out now
Blog post
Robin Blackburn's The American Crucible reviewed in The Nation
Blog post
Greg Grandin's Guardian review of Robin Blackburn's The American Crucible and An Unfinished Revolution
The Making of New World Slavery: From the Baroque to the Modern, 1492-1800
You Can't Please All: Memoirs 1980-2024
Street-Fighting Years: An Autobiography of the Sixties
The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery: 1776–1848
Banking on Death: Or, Investing in Life: The History and Future of Pensions
Age Shock: How Finance Is Failing Us
The American Crucible: Slavery, Emancipation and Human Rights
- The American Crucible reviewed in the Independent" class="c-search__result-link">
Blog post
"A challenge for the political future"–The American Crucible reviewed in the Independent
Blog post
Making New Futures: Art and Community during a Pandemic
Blog post
The Reckoning: a Letter from the Editor
Blog post
Django Unchained and Lincoln: A reading list on race, plus your chance to win 3 titles
The Vampire of Reason
Blog post
New Left Review—new issue out now
Blog post
New Left Review—new issue out now