The Future of Difference

The Future of Difference:Beyond the Toxic Entanglement of Racism, Sexism and Feminism

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A feminist critique of racist feminisms.

The Future of Difference theorises contemporary regimes of power as engaged primarily in the violent production of difference. In this moment, the logic of ‘other and rule’ thoroughly permeates the social and the political; our contemporary condition is increasingly premised on endless subtle hierarchical distinctions, which determine whole populations’ attitudes, feelings and actions. Hark and Villa make a compelling case for the detoxification of public and political discourse, in favor of an ethical mode of living-with the world, that is, living with plurality and alterity.


  • Against those who would pit a feminism for white women against migrant communities and a multi-racial feminism, this brave and brilliant work of critical feminism refuses to be divided from its allies, conquered by those who would appropriate and defame feminism itself. This work is not only a model for socially engaged critique for our times, but thought set into action, mobilizing for the future of difference.

    Judith Butler
  • The Future of Difference offers a powerful indictment of the ways mainstream feminism has been coopted by ethnonationalists to promote Europe’s increasingly punitive border regime. Hark and Villa offer a thorough, impassioned analysis of the dire consequences of combating sexual violence without an intersectional lens. An urgent book for our times.

    Arlene Stein, Professor of Sociology, Director of the Institute for Research on Women, Rutgers University
  • This is an outstanding, timely and courageous work of feminist scholarship. The book extends and renews the important writing of Stuart Hall in his 1978 Policing the Crisis. This excellent translation will ensure the book by Sabine Hark and Paula -Irene Villa will be a major contribution to multiple disciplines.

    Angela McRobbie, Professor, Goldsmiths University London and author of Feminism and the Politics of Resilience