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Why we should all work less! A radical and pragmatic manifesto for tackling the twin crises of work and care in contemporary capitalism.
Overtime is about the politics of time, and specifically the amount of time that we spend labouring within capitalist society. It argues that reactivating the longstanding demand for shorter working hours should be central to any progressive trajectory in the years ahead.
This book explains what a shorter working week means, as well as its history and its political implications. Will Stronge and Kyle Lewis examine the idea of reducing the time we all spend labouring for other on both a theoretical and political level, and offer an analysis rooted in the radical traditions from which the idea first emerged. Throughout, the reader is introduced to key theorists of work and working time alongside the relevant research regarding our contemporary ‘crisis of work’, to which the authors' proposal of a shorter working week responds.
This is a vital contribution to the growing debate around free time and reducing the working week.
With millions saying they would like to work shorter hours, and millions of others without a job or wanting more hours, it’s essential that we consider how we address the problems in the labour market as well as preparing for the future challenges of automation.
This is a path-breaking report on one of the most promising ideas of our time
In this terrific book, Will Stronge and Kyle Lewis present a remarkably clear and powerfully compelling case for shorter working hours as a path to greater sustainability, equality, and freedom.
Overtime is a stirring call to action in the fight for a shorter working week. Crucially, Lewis and Stronge remind us that no victories for workers have ever been won without struggle. Overtime is a critical text for socialists seeking to understand how the world of work has changed, and how to imagine a world in which our lives are no longer dominated by it.
The centuries old struggle by workers to free themselves from the dictatorship of work has emerged once more. Freedom from drudgery and the reduction in working hours have never been won without a fight. This book will prove invaluable in arming not only those who want to understand that struggle but also more importantly those who want to engage in it.
It’s no longer enough for the left to just shout jobs, jobs, jobs. Overtime not only shows why shorter working weeks need to be an integral part of a new deal for all workers, but also how it will be won.
Focusing on a work-obsessed society, the failure of labor-saving technology to reduce work hours, the undervaluing of women’s work, and the toll of work on the environment, Overtime brings both hope and despair.
A compelling case for shortening the current work week, a policy that could see less overworking, more jobs, gender equality and a greener future.
Timely ... reveals the urgency of the conversion to a shorter working week.