Thinking Past Terror

Thinking Past Terror:Islamism and Critical Theory on the Left

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Thinking past the twin insanities of terrorism and counter-terrorism

Renowned critical theorist Susan Buck-Morss argues convincingly that a global public needs to think past the twin insanities of terrorism and counter-terrorism in order to dismantle regressive intellectual barriers. Surveying the widespread literature on the relationship of Islam to modernity, she reveals that there is surprising overlap where scholars commonly and simplistically see antithesis. Thinking Past Terror situates this engagement with the study of Islam among critical contemporary discourses—feminism, post-colonialism and the critique of determinism.
In a new preface to this paperback edition, Susan Buck-Morss reflects on the events that have marked the world since the book was first published.


  • An insightful and important new edition to critical theory for our century.

  • This is a highly appealing scenario of communication producing and illuminating dissent.

  • Thoughtfully and insightfully written ... Thinking Past Terror looks forward to the goal of a cosmopolitan Left that can find unity and strength to remain viable in ever-changing times.
