
Posts tagged: the-state

  • The End of Neoliberalism?

    The End of Neoliberalism?

    Anton Jäger reflects on Paolo Gerbaudo's The Great Recoil, neoliberalism, and the evolving role of the state in the Covid-era

  • Socialist Strategy and the Capitalist Democratic State

    Socialist Strategy and the Capitalist Democratic State

    How we understand the capitalist state effects how we think about power and what a socialist transition would mean. In this article, Stephen Maher and Rafael Khachaturian argue that the left in the US needs to move beyond both the Leninist and the social democratic conceptions of the state in order to develop a democratic socialist politics for the 21st century.

  • Seven Theses on the Capitalist Democratic State

    Seven Theses on the Capitalist Democratic State

    What is the capitalist democratic state and how should it be confronted? The left has typically seen the state either as an instrument of class rule that needs to be "smashed" or, as with social democracy, as a neutral medium which can be wielded by functionaries with the correct ideas. In this, a series of seven theses on the nature and function of the capitalist state, Michael A. McCarthy argues that both are wrong and that we need a reinvigoration of the late work of Nicos Poulantzas for a full, democratic understanding of the state.