Posts tagged: reviews
“Authors at the top of their game, tackling the most pressing issue of our generation” – I’m With the Bears reviewed
“Art of breathtaking precision, political sensitivity and power”—Savage Messiah reviewed by Bidisha
Deep Mountain: Across the Turkish-Armenian Divide garners divided responses
Savage Messiah reviewed in Herald Scotland: "There are no superheroes in Oldfield Ford's London"
Situationism, the Occupy Movement and the London Riots— The Beach Beneath the Street review and article
"A necessary corrective" to the apologists of the Empire—three reviews of Britain's Empire
Hal Foster's The Art-Architecture Complex: Reviews and Interviews
"Strictly Come Learning"— Melissa Benn’s School Wars featured in the New Statesman and Counterfire
Ruling the waves with armbands on? Richard Gott on the British Empire
On liberalism and property rights: a review of Losurdo's Counter-History
Rethinking the Jewish paradigm: Esther Benbassa reviewed in the Jewish Quarterly