
Posts tagged: critical-theory

  • Fredric Jameson Bookshelf

    Fredric Jameson Bookshelf

    Complete your Fredric Jameson bookshelf with this reading list! All 40% off (print books) and 60% off (ebooks) until January 4th.

  • Commodification: Intellectual History of a Concept and Process

    Commodification: Intellectual History of a Concept and Process

    Fredric Jameson demonstrates that it is the moment of reification which enables the emergence of commodification as such; or to put it the other way around, the existence of a tendency to commodification is then what motivates reification and encourages its influence in all kinds of areas (the psychic and the cultural, for example) in which it did not previously hold sway or seem applicable.

  • The last nineteenth century German philosopher: Habermas at 90

    The last nineteenth century German philosopher: Habermas at 90

    Raymond Geuss' recent article discussing the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas on the occasion of his 90th birthday sparked a fierce controversy. Here Raymond Geuss responds to his critics and argues that the liberal philosophy of Habermas is fundamentally inadequate in the face of the crises of contemporary capitalism.