Posts tagged: broadcast
Owen Jones and Starkeygate: "It was Enoch Powell meets Alan Partridge"
Richard Gott debates the British empire with Kwasi Kwarteng on BBC Radio 4's Today
Owen Jones discusses Chavs on BBC Breakfast
Double Standards: Richard Seymour on Press TV
The end is nigh—last chance to enter the Shooting Žižek short film competition
"If you are a terrorist, my God, what are they?" Report on the Assange-Žižek event including Amy Goodman's account
Owen Jones discusses Chavs on Thinking Allowed and writes about the importance of today's strikes
Verso editors read from The Verso Book of Dissent, in English and Chinese
The Return of Socialism
"An uncommon optimism"—John Berger on BBC Radio 4 and in the Scotsman and the New Statesman
Ross Perlin on WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show"