Posts tagged: 2016olympics
Jules Boykoff: John Carlos, Tommie Smith and the political Olympics
A Third World Olympics: Sport, Politics, and the Developing World in the 1963 Games of the New Emerging Forces (GANEFO)
Although GANEFO’s genesis was related to diplomatic problems that arose from Indonesia’s hosting of the IVth Asian Games in 1962 and the subsequent suspension of the Indonesian Olympic Committee, it was also an explicit attempt to link sport to the politics of anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, and the emergence of the Third World. -
Celebration Capitalism: Olympics Economics
Hosting the Olympics on the world stage provides host governments with the incentive to bail out fiscal mishaps so as to avoid embarrassment under the global media spotlight. Knowing this allows private firms to relinquish responsibility when the going gets rough. -
The London 2012 “Schmoozathon”: Jules Boykoff on the London Olympics
Jules Boykoff - The Anti-Olympics
VIDEO: Rio 2016 Olympics & Brazil’s Collapsing Political System
The Rio 2016 Olympics and the Mega-Event Machine
Six months before the Olympics, developers take gold
The Olympic Games: An International Perspective
Rio Olympic spending turns from gold to bronze
Jules Boykoff on why the US cannot host the 2024 Olympics