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Free ebook: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

On the anniversary of Walter Rodney's assassination, we've made his classic How Europe Underdeveloped Africa free to download!

13 June 2023

Free ebook: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

In his short life, Walter Rodney emerged as one of the leading thinkers and activists of the anticolonial revolution, leading movements in North America, the African continent, and the Caribbean. In each locale, Rodney found himself a lightning rod for working class Black Power. His deportation catalyzed twentieth-century Jamaica’s most significant rebellion, the 1968 Rodney riots, and his scholarship trained a generation how to think politics at an international scale.

On June 13th 1980, Rodney died in a car explosion in Georgetown. The Guyanan regime claimed that he was killed by a bomb which he intended to throw at a prison in order to release men arrested on treason charges. After 40 years of struggle from his family, the government of Guyana have since admitted that Walter Rodney was assassinated by that regime.

On the anniversary of this assassination we have made Rodney's classic work, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, free to download. As Angela Davis said:

“If Walter Rodney’s assassins were under the impression that they could arrest the flow of his ideas by destroying his body, they could not have been more wrong.”

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is an ambitious masterwork of political economy, detailing the impact of slavery and colonialism on the history of international capitalism. In this classic book, R...

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