Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era
Leading voices on the British Left examine where we go from here.

There are no easy answers to the election disaster of 2019 or the eclipse of the left in Keir Starmer's Labour Party, only urgent questions.
We are publishing extracts from our new print book, Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era. Edited by Grace Blakeley, the 25-plus contributors include Sam Gindin and James Meadway on socialist strategy after the coronavirus; Dalia Gebrial and Siân Errington on austerity and precarity; Joshua Virasami and Simukai Chigudu on anti-racism and the legacy of Empire; and Leo Panitch and Momentum co-founder James Schneider on the limits of parliamentary socialism.
Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before: A Study in the Politics and Aesthetics of English Misery
Owen Hatherley reflects on the generational divides that have emerged over the course of the last two UK general elections by charting the musical evolution of The Smiths. Comparing Morrissey’s political trajectory to those of many voters throughout the North of England, Hatherley investigates the roots of the North’s departure from anti-Thatcherite collectivism to nationalist reaction.
The defeat of youth: the generational dimensions of the 2019 general election
How can the left forge solidarities across a politics fractured by class, by region and – increasingly – by generation, asks Keir Milburn.
Feminism: What's in a Name?
They have all the packaging, but are they feminisms? Amelia Horgan browses the shelves of the centrist marketplace in ideas.
Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections from between Elections
Lola Seaton writes about the highs and lows of the Corbyn moment. What should the Millennial left be doing - and thinking - now?
Green Socialism?
The climate crisis can’t wait until the next general election. We need to organise to decarbonise, argues Chris Saltmarsh.
Between Movement and Party: The Case of Podemos
Corbyn may be out, Sanders may be down, but Pablo Iglesias and Unidas Podemos have been in power in Madrid since the start of the year. Cristina Flesher Fominaya assesses their progress.