Verso Radical Diary competition!
Win a radical diary for you (and a friend!), and have your entry published in our 2019 diary!

Our best-selling radical diary is back for 2018 and 40% off until Sunday! Packed full of revolutionary dates in history (see photos below), alongside radical posters, illustrations and short book extracts, it is the perfect planner for the year ahead.
This year we've updated the diary with lots more key moments from radical history, and next year we'll be doing the same! With that in mind, we'd love to get your input. Send us your favourite dates in radical history and you could win a diary (plus a second one for a friend!) as well as having your entry published in our 2019 diary with a credit. More details below!
How to enter:
Twitter: tweet your favourite date in radical history, quote tweeting this tweet and using the hashtag #VersoRadicalDiary
Facebook: leave your entry in the comment section of this post (make sure your comments are set to public or we won't be able to see your entry!)
Instagram: leave your entry in the comment section of this post
Terms and conditions:
You have until November 5, 23.59 PST to enter via any of the channels above.
3 winners will be chosen and will receive 2 copies of the 2018 radical diary, plus inclusion of their entry in our 2019 diary with credit.
Your entry can include any significant moment in radical history: a birthday, death, anniversary, revolutionary moment – examples can be seen here, on our instagram, and below. You need to include the full date (including year) and a short explanation as to why that date is important in radical history.
We will pick the most interesting and obscure entries–perhaps those most usually excluded from history!
Winners will be notified by Wednesday, November 7. Diaries will be sent out by the end of the week.
Our decision is final.
We look forward to reading your entries!
See more details here.