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Leading scientists, epidemiologists, and philosophers explore the unfolding Covid-19 pandemic and argue for the necessity of scientific reasoning and collective responsibility.
We are living in the midst of the greatest public health crisis of our time.
Confronting the many challenges of this moment—from the medical to the economic, the social to the political—demands all the moral and deliberative clarity we can muster. Bringing together coverage of the unfolding pandemic from the critically acclaimed Boston Review, this collection explores the history and social legacies of pandemics, explores the place of science in popular culture and policy-making, and interrogates the ways in which science and health have been politicized.
Thinking in a Pandemic collects the latest arguments from doctors and epidemiologists, philosophers and economists, legal scholars and historians, activists and citizens, as they think not just through this moment but beyond it.
While much remains uncertain, our responsibility to public reason is sure. Now, more than ever, we affirm the power of collective reasoning and imagination to create a healthier and more just world.
Contributors include: Alex de Waal, David S Jones, Stefan Helmreich, Jeremy Greene, Dora Vargha, Jonathan Fuller, Marc Lipsitch, John Ioannidis, Trisha Greenhalgh, Sarah Burgard, Lucie Kalousova, Cailin O'Connoer, James Owen Weatherall, Natalie Dean.
Boston Review is so good right now.
Boston Review cuts out the noise, the posturing, and the hysteria and engages ideas with intelligence and humanity. In other words, it’s a democratic place for a reading public.
Boston Review has done more than its share to help set the standard for public discourse.
When it comes to publishing fresh and generative ideas, Boston Review has no peer.
I love Boston Review for being unfailingly smart, perceptive, and unexpected.
Always challenging, always provocative, Boston Review brings a fresh and insightful perspective to the literature and politics of a multicultural age.