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The relations between fantasy and ideology, and the deluge of digital phantasms surrounding us
Modern audiovisual media have spawned a ‘plague of fantasies’, electronically inspired phantasms that cloud the ability to reason and prevent a true understanding of a world increasingly dominated by abstractions—whether those of digital technology or the speculative market.
Into this arena, enters Žižek: equipped with an agile wit and the skills of a prodigious scholar, he confidently ranges among a dazzling array of cultural references—explicating Robert Schumann as deftly as he does John Carpenter—to demonstrate how the modern condition blinds us to the ideological basis of our lives.
The most formidably brilliant exponent of psychoanalysis, indeed of cultural theory in general, to have emerged from Europe in some decades.
Unafraid of confrontation and with a near limitless grasp of pop symbolism.
Žižek unfolds in this text a theory of the workings of postmodern ideology that is often breathtaking in its scope and acuity.