Queer Nation Manifesto: Queers Read This
A manifesto written in 1990 by ACT UP.
A manifesto written in 1990 by ACT UP.
Juliet Jacques and writer and curator Paul Clinton discuss the wave of queer radicalism that followed May 1968 in France.
South African film Inxeba (The Wound) reveals the developmental power male spaces hold over those coerced into passing through them.
Kate Doyle Griffiths responds to Melinda Cooper's critique of Social Reproduction Theory.
Anna Feigenbaum, author of Tear Gas, selects five essential books that theorize objects and atmospheres.
"It’s impossible to imagine gays — our cultures, habits, presence — without cities" - Huw Lemmey
Judith Butler's new book interweaves her two theories of performativity and precarity with the works of Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Agamben, and Emmanuel Levinas as a way to critically assess and speak to Tahrir Square, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, and other movements of dissent. In this interview, Stephanie Berbec asks her to consider her work in light of the recent events at Standing Rock and the 2016 presidential election.