In Tribute to Meredith Tax
Verso editor Jessie Kindig remembers socialist feminist activist and author Meredith Tax, and we reprint the 2021 introduction to Tax's classic of socialist feminist labor history, The Rising of the Women.
Verso editor Jessie Kindig remembers socialist feminist activist and author Meredith Tax, and we reprint the 2021 introduction to Tax's classic of socialist feminist labor history, The Rising of the Women.
The death of Alain Krivine on 12 March, aged eighty, saw the passing of the last of the leading ‘68ers who had remained faithful to the revolts of his youth, mixing anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism and anti-capitalism. He combined his fidelity to his cause with a clear integrity, at odds with sectarianism or the lust for power.
How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists.
It is with great sadness that we have heard of the death of George Shriver. Peter Hudis, general editor of The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg remembers a friend and a comrade.
The eminent Marxist sociologist Erik Olin Wright was serious about understanding and changing the world — and was generous, curious, and kind while doing it.
Erik Olin Wright died just after midnight on January 22. He was 71 years old. With his death, the world lost one of its great social scientists – practitioner as well as thinker.
The author of multiple books, Losurdo focused on uncomfortable political leaders and themes that mainstream thought preferred to banish.
On the death of the influential left-wing political scientist.
Elmar Altvater has died, shortly before his 80th birthday.
Sivanandan captured the dire, demeaning, and deadly consequences of racist state practices on the ground, and situated them within larger political, economic and historical processes.
Virou Srilangarajah on the life and work of A. Sivanandan.
Joan Martínez Alier, Stefania Barca, Roberto Sciarelli, Salvatore Engel Di Mauro, Marica Di Pierri and A Sud, and Emanuele Leonardi reflect on the life and work of James O'Connor.