The Death of the Greek Left: A Political Tragedy
Stefanos Kasselakis's victory in the SYRIZA leadership contest marks a traumatic break from the party's political traditions, raising the question: where goes the Greek left go from here?
Stefanos Kasselakis's victory in the SYRIZA leadership contest marks a traumatic break from the party's political traditions, raising the question: where goes the Greek left go from here?
The current conjuncture demands rigorous analysis if we are to understand the political moment and develop a strategy to respond to it. Alain Badiou undertakes this task, offering thirteen theses on global politics today and suggesting an organizing strategy for the Left given those conditions.
Didier Eribon, sociologist and supporter of Jean-Luc Melenchon's campaign, on the causes of the rise of the far right, and the challenges facing La France Insoumise in durably re-establishing left ideas.
Back in February, Stefano Palombarini, co-author of The Last Neoliberal, dreamt of a second round debate between Macron and Melenchon staging a confrontation between two opposing political visions. Melenchon did not make it to the second round of the 2022 French presidential elections, but is there still hope for the anti-neoliberal left?
Ilyia Budraitskis on the turning points in the development of the left dissident movement and the various streams and faces of the left in post-Soviet Russia.
Anton Jäger reflects on Paolo Gerbaudo's The Great Recoil, neoliberalism, and the evolving role of the state in the Covid-era
As part of our roundtable on Paolo Gerbaudo's The Great Recoil, Gabriel Hetland writes about populism, sovereignty, and what the US and European lefts can learn from comrades in Latin America.
In this interview, Thierry Discepolo discusses publishing, politics, the challenges of producing radical books in a capitalist industry
Left publishing is experiencing a long-overdue renaissance internationally. In this interview, Nicolas Vieillescazes shares his experience building a new editorial programme with Editions Amsterdam and advancing political analysis through publishing.