The Widening Gap Between The Working Class and the Proletariat: A Conversation with Joshua Clover
Joshua Clover speaks with the IGDCast on contemporary struggles in the context of the conjuncture described in Riot. Strike. Riot.
Joshua Clover speaks with the IGDCast on contemporary struggles in the context of the conjuncture described in Riot. Strike. Riot.
Kate Doyle Griffiths responds to Melinda Cooper's critique of Social Reproduction Theory.
Watch The Walls of the WTO, a short film that revisits the history of twentieth-century ideas of the world economy through a single building: the Centre William Rappard on the shores of Lake Geneva.
In an extended 1982 conversation with the New Left Review editorial board, Tony Benn reviews his career in Parliament.
Three recent moments of the revitalized women's movement can be understood as windows into three levels of analysis and action: individual, social, and political.
Linda Gordon's new introduction to her classic 1981 text "The Politics of Sexual Harassment."
Tithi Bhattacharya reports back from the West Virginia teachers' strike.
Oklahoma teachers have become the fifth body of school employees to walk out in the past two weeks, adding to fresh picket lines in West Virginia, Toronto, Illinois, and the UK.
To build a movement that addresses the deep, structural forms of oppression faced by women, it is essential to build a feminism that is anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and on the side of all oppressed people.
They are fighting for three things: 1. A 5% raise; 2. A fully funded employee health fund (PEIA); 3. A political system that values public education more than gas and corporations.
The West Virginia Strike bears the fingerprints of resistance to virtually every malevolent feature of neoliberal capitalism.
To understand the political relationship between individual violation and collective response, we need to explore the theoretical pathways that connect particular harms to universal conditions.