The Second British Revolution
In the years leading up to World War I, Britain was rocked by an unprecedented upsurge of labor militancy. As James Robins writes, as millions went on strike across the country, was this Britain's lost revolution?
In the years leading up to World War I, Britain was rocked by an unprecedented upsurge of labor militancy. As James Robins writes, as millions went on strike across the country, was this Britain's lost revolution?
The Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg discusses the historical method of microhistory, of which he is an eminent representative, and some themes and concepts of his work.
Historian John Newsinger responds to Simon Heffer and Andrew Robert's review of Tariq Ali’s powerful new demolition of the Churchill myth, Winston Churchill: His Times, His Crimes.
Historian of science Lukas Rieppel considers the connections between geology, prehistory, and imperialism, as part of the "Unlearning Imperialism" Verso roundtable.
Historian Vazira Zamindar asks if history has the disciplinary tools to practice repair, part of the Verso roundtable "Unlearning Imperialism" considering the work of Ariella Aïsha Azoulay.
A Verso roundtable on Ariella Aïsha Azoulay's Potential History, discussing imperial knowledge, history, art, the possibility of repairing devastated worlds, and above all: what can a radical practice of history look like?
Racecraft is not a euphemistic substitute for racism. It is a kind of fingerprint evidence that racism has been on the scene.