The Unknowns of Sexual Desire
Katherine Angel on the endless negotiations of power within sexual experiences.
Katherine Angel on the endless negotiations of power within sexual experiences.
Verso editor Jessie Kindig remembers socialist feminist activist and author Meredith Tax, and we reprint the 2021 introduction to Tax's classic of socialist feminist labor history, The Rising of the Women.
A reading list of feminist history, theory, and rage! Up to 40% off as part of our student reading sale.
Marian Jones on the limits of a reproductive rights movement organized around "choice" and the living legacy of the SisterSong coalition for Reproductive Justice.
The Global South has much to teach the Global North about fighting for reproductive justice, providing abortions to whoever needs them, regardless of the law--and about building a mass, international, feminist movement.
Not only has Native people’s right to parent our children been stolen from us, but so has our right to abortion—even with Roe V. Wade in effect
Jessie Kindig's introduction to We Organize to Change Everything, an urgent, freely downloadable ebook from Verso Books and Lux magazine, for a movement under siege.
A certain revival of interest has been felt in recent years for Françoise d'Eaubonne and her theories. The dangers that she warned us of at the dawn of the 1970s—deforestation, nuclear danger, pollution, resource exhaustion—is of burning topicality.
How the 2016 women’s protests situated reproductive rights within the context of labor rights and class composition.
Foundational Marxist critiques of feminism in the age of neoliberalism, with contemporary books on the family, sex work, and gender identity.
Feminist reading featuring Nancy Fraser, Vivian Gornick, Legacy Russell, Andrea Long Chu, Jacqueline Rose, Katherine Angel and Elizabeth Martínez.
Ashley Roach-McFarlane recovers a portrait of a forgotten radical, and founder of the Notting Hill Carnival