A Story of the Chinese Countryside
In this excerpt from China In One Village, Liang Hong illustrates the problem of separated couples in the Chinese countryside through the tragic story of a rural woman's suicide.
In this excerpt from China In One Village, Liang Hong illustrates the problem of separated couples in the Chinese countryside through the tragic story of a rural woman's suicide.
Chi Chang, a Chinese emigrant to the United States who joined the Communist Party and volunteered for the International Brigades to fight fascism during the Spanish Civil War. His story is retold here by Hwei-Ru Tsou and Len Tsou, and translated into English from the original Chinese by Agnes Khoo.
The protests in Hong Kong continue to escalate. Yet, the Western left has struggled to come to terms with the situation – torn between the contradictory desire to support the movement and the mainly liberal democratic demands of the protestors themselves. In this article, Pang Laikwan analyses the nature and stakes of the movement.
On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Christian Sorace explores Mao's argument for combining political and aesthetic criteria when judging a work of art.
Protests continue to erupt in Hong Kong, sparked by an extradition bill that would allow the Hong Kong authorities to transfer Hong Kong residents to mainland Chinese courts. Yet, as Ho-fung Hung argues, the roots of the movement go much deeper than the demand for self-determination, and have the potential to have dramatic and systemic consequences for ever-increasing US-Chinese imperial rivalry.
For China, the suspension of US “war games” alongside South Korea — coupled with talk of reducing troop numbers — offers the prospect of restoring its historical dominance on the Korean peninsula.
Marxist Feminist film scholar Dai Jinhua, one of the preeminent cultural critics of China's New Left, historicizes the rapid cultural and intellectual developments that took place in China during the 1980s and 90s.
The upsurge of armed struggle in Malaysia represents one of the lesser noticed repercussions of the 1968 developments in Vietnam and China.
A Maoist critique of the East German university system published in 1968 by the Shanghai Red Guards.
China's Cultural Revolution was a key reference point for huge numbers of activists in 1968, but by then the CR was all but over.
Industrial-scale renewable energy does nothing to remake exploitative relationships with the earth, and instead represents the renewal and expansion of the present capitalist order.
Novelist Wang Anyi casts an ironic glance on the transformation of gender relations in China during the 1980s and 90s.