Posts tagged: anthropocene
France imagines itself to be the cradle of secular republicanism from which modernity was launched in 1789. But as Mohammed Amer Meziane shows in his new book, The States of the Earth: An Ecological and Racial History of Secularization, the Republic has been infused with colonial empire since Napoleon Bonaparte. Etienne Balibar argues that with this concept of "imperiality," Meziane has ruptured France's national myths.
Nature Is Always a Political Force: An Interview with Razmig Keucheyan
In this age of compounding climate crisis, how should we understand the relationship between politics and nature?Sociologist and leftist organizer Razmig Keucheyan reflects on the answer through this thoughtful discussion of environmental racism, consumerism, and pandemic.
Climate Change is Linked to Issues of Power, Debt and Conquest: Interview with Jean-Baptiste Fressoz and Fabien Locher
For Jean-Baptiste Fressoz and Fabien Locher, the evolution of climates has been of concern to humans for five centuries, and the subject has been central to political and social debates well beyond scientific circles.
The Climate Crisis and COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is an emergency. So is climate disaster. We need a robust government response to both in the form of a Green New Deal and a just transition to a zero-carbon economy.
Home Thoughts for New Times
Enzo Traverso on 'the Revolt of Nature' and how COVID-19 forces us to reconsider the blurred relationship between politics, economics, society and biology.
Elizabeth Povinelli: when the rocks turn their backs on us
If biopower is the power to make live and let live, then what is geopower? What if the power that lay at the boundary between life and nonlife was becoming more important in the Anthropocene? McKenzie Wark approaches this question through a reading of recent work by Elizabeth Povinelli.
A Billion Black Anthropocenes
What happens when the Anthropocene meets critical race studies? One answer might be that you get Kathryn Yusoff’s provocative small book A Billion Black Anthropocenes, (University of Minnesota Press, 2019). If geologists are going to name a geological epoch after ‘Anthropos,’ then it might be an idea to put that in contact with one of the deepest critiques of the whole category. -
‘Energy transition’ and the movement against climate change
Jean-Baptiste Fressoz argues that the term "energy transition" masks the persistence of old systems and underestimates the transformation to be achieved.
Havana Under Water
The sea has long been a defining feature, indeed an inevitability in Cuban art, literature, and life. Now it turns ominous.
The Neolithic, Capitalism, and Communism
The problem is not technology or nature. The problem is how to organise societies at a global scale.
The Year of Environmental Disaster
2017 demonstrated that climate chaos is happening here and now rather than in some distant future.
Everything's Coming Together While Everything's Falling Apart: The ZAD
A documentary video on the ZAD by artist Oliver Ressler.