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Arming Apartheid: Ghada Karmi & Antony Loewenstein

Ghada Karmi and Antony Loewenstein join Eleanor Penny to discuss Palestine and the Israeli State.

19 October 2023

Arming Apartheid: Ghada Karmi & Antony Loewenstein

VersoBooks · Arming Apartheid | Ghada Karmi & Antony Loewenstein


This week we were planning to bring you an episode about money in the digital age, but with everything that is currently unfolding in occupied Palestine we felt that this conversation between two leading thinkers on the subject was an important contribution to current discourse. 

In this episode, recorded on October 6th, Ghada Karmi and Antony Loewenstein sat down with our host, Eleanor Penny, to discuss the Israeli state’s military-industrial complex, its relationship with the global far right, and why a one-state solution is the closest approximation to a just conclusion for seventy-five years of occupation. Having been recorded prior to the events that have followed since October 7th, please listen in the awareness that some of the language in the episode may not be reflective of the detailed situation that has developed over the last two weeks. 

Ghada Karmi is an academic, physician and author. Her titles include Married to Another Man and One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel, as well as her Verso Books publications In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story and Return: A Palestinian Memoir.

Antony Loewenstein is an author and journalist. His titles include Pills Powder and Smoke and My Israel Question, as well as his Verso Books publications Disaster Capitalism, and The Palestine Laboratory - released earlier this year.

For decades Israel has been one of the world's leading suppliers of arms and security services. Sharpened and honed on the bodies of Palestinians, the export of such weaponry has proved to be a huge geopolitical and diplomatic asset to the Israeli state, and has contributed to its ability to avoid international accountability for its military occupation.

At a time when conversations of this depth are more important than ever, Ghada and Antony discuss the repressive regimes and movements who take inspiration from Israeli apartheid, the political economy of the occupation, and the problems with the two-state solution.

Join us next week when we will be returning with our regular release schedule with an episode on cryptocurrency, Silicon Valley libertarianism, and the reinvention of money in the digital age, with Rachel O’Dwyer and Edward Ongweso.

Make sure to subscribe as you won’t want to miss any of the exciting shows we have lined up over the coming months, featuring more of the world’s leading activists, scholars, and thinkers.

See all Verso Podcast episodes here. Listen via your preferred podcast platform. Read more in our Free Palestine reading list.

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