Books on Breaking Police Power
Radical alternatives to Police and Prisons.

Essential reading on police and prison abolition, state violence, and abolitionist feminism:
In his new book, critical theorist Mark Neocleous engages in a sustained critique of the theory and practice of pacification. Combining philosophical analysis with historical detail, Neocleous analyses the development of pacification as a key concept through which capitalist modernity has been organised, offering readers the first book that treats pacification as an important concept in the history of state power and capitalism.
Police, Prisons, and Gender Based Violence
Police Suppression of Dissent
After Black Lives Matter
Mapping Police Power and its Abolition
Further Reading/Listening:
The Verso Podcast: Leah Cowan and Lola Olufemi on feminist futures and abolition.
Verso's Pride Month Reading: Essential reads for combatting pinkwashing and rainbow capitalism.