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New updated edition includes the impact of COVID on Britain's 14 million disabled people
In austerity Britain, disabled people have been recast as worthless scroungers. From social care to the benefits system, politicians and the media alike have made the case that Britain’s 12 million disabled people are nothing but a drain on the public purse. In Crippled, journalist and campaigner Frances Ryan exposes the disturbing reality, telling the stories of those most affected by this devastating regime. It is at once both a damning indictment of a safety net so compromised it strangles many of those it catches and a passionate demand for an end to austerity, which hits hardest those most in need.
Everyone should read this book.
Frances Ryan’s Crippled powerfully brings into sharp focus the lived experiences of disabled people.
A powerful book ... Austerity kills and it is killing disabled people. Ryan does a brilliant job of describing the human costs.
A blistering polemic, full of telling details.
This powerful book by respected journalist, Frances Ryan is the perfect wake-up call for anyone sleep-walking through austerity.
Comprehensively and competently dissects the spin behind austerity, and its most unpardonable effects.
Crippled is a timely read that could bring anyone out of a Brexit news-induced stupor.
In Crippled, Frances Ryan, a fine journalist, broadcaster and campaigner for disability rights, robustly stacks up the evidence that ought to put politicians – especially chancellors – in the dock.
A devastating look at both the policies that impact disabled people and the toxic rhetoric behind them – and what needs to change to make it right.
A devastatingly on-point critique of austerity politics and the worsening attitudes towards those with disabilities.
Frances and her columns were a constant source of inspiration as we researched and prepared I, Daniel Blake. She never loses sympathy for the human experience, nor lets the personal story undermine the razor sharp analysis of power. Crippled is another stunning piece of investigative journalism. It does make the blood boil, and cuts right through the propaganda.
Fiercely angry, compulsory, and shocking reading - shining a vital light on the cruelty austerity Britain has meted out to those with disabilities. Do not look away. Read this and fight back.
A brilliant, bitter blend of polemic and reportage that is certainly worthy of Orwell but which, more importantly, is eminently worthy of the betrayed citizens whose lives have been blighted by Tory austerity. It's high time a writer should do our disabled friends, family, colleagues and neighbours justice. It is forensic in its condemnation. It will make you rage.
I wish I could force everyone in the UK to read this book. It's a ferocious, thoroughly substantiated
indictment of this government's maltreatment of its disabled children, women and men. It's not a secret that austerity is a choice, but Frances Ryan intimately maps this calculated evil and the cost, in lives, it exacts.
A fascinating insight into the harsh realities of living as a disabled person in the 21st century. A must read for anyone with a conscience
This devastating depiction of the impact of austerity on disabled people should shake our political system to its foundations. Frances Ryan forensically exposes the scandalous politics that have left so many disabled people cold, hungry, living in poverty and pain and often suicidal. It's a cry from the heart but more importantly it's a determined demand for change.
Frances Ryan reminds us what real investigative journalism looks like - except that this is a book, compelling in the case it makes. Vulnerable, disabled people are treated with conscious cruelty by politicians who have closed their eyes to the despair they have caused. We know that the welfare state has been almost wrecked, but Frances Ryan's impeccable research shows, in detail, what this means in the daily lives of those with disabilities. Keep this book on your shelves, refer to it often, and use the ammunition in its pages to bring back compassion and dignity for all our citizens.
No one has done more to shed light on how austerity is harming disabled peoples lives. This book is so important, it should be read at least by every policy maker in the country.
Ryan is an expert in her field. Furthermore, as a disabled person writing about disabled peopleas rights and issues, her voice is a vital addition to the debate. Essential reading.
This book should be widely read. Students of disability, those who work with us in any capacity and those who study social policy will particularly benefit from reading Crippled.
should become a classic of disability literature. Every voter in Britain should read it. Every MP should be required to.