Tariq Ali: A Leading Figure of the International Left
Complete your Tariq Ali bookshelf with his memoirs, detailing a life committed to writing and cultural interventions.

Tariq Ali has been a leading figure of the international left since the 60s. From the student movement in Pakistan to the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, from Trotsky to Malcolm X, from Lenin to Lennon, his works have had a seismic and global influence on leftist thought.
“Ali remains an outlier and intellectual bomb-thrower; an urbane, Oxford-educated polemicist.” — Observer
Exploring everything from the revolutionary upsurge of the 1960s to the present moment we find ourselves in, Ali's memoirs paint a portrait of life on the Left.
Including an insightful portrait of Lenin’s deepest preoccupations, an essential critique of Obamaism, and a discussion of the future of socialist politics in Britain.
Ali maintains an international perspective in his work, writing on the War on Terror, the unending occupation of Kashmir, and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela.
These historical novels examine the encounters among Muslims, Christians, and Jews through the ages, from the Crusades to twenty-first-century London.
Here Ali discusses some of the key moments in his new memoir, including his time in Palestine, reporting from Vietnam, and his friendship with Hugo Chavez.