Posts tagged: trump
This Time We Fight Back
The Landing: Fascists without Fascism
Clinton’s Historical Tragedy and the International Women’s Strike: In Support of a Feminism for the 99%
Playing Oppression Against Class: the Neoliberal Legacy in the Age of Trump
"The Left is a history of defeats": an interview with Enzo Traverso
Free Ebook - The Anti-Inauguration: Building Resistance in the Trump Era
FREE VERSO EBOOK! Building Resistance in the Trump Era. Contributions from Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Anand Gopal, and Owen Jones. -
Under the Sign of Saturn, a Movement is Born
[Video] The Anti-Inauguration: Why Trump won, what he’ll do, and how we can fight him.
Fuck Trump Reading List
March As Feminists, Not As Women
Post-Truth Politics or Post-Political Journalism?