40% off ALL Student Reading!
Fill your academic year with radical left theory.

Until the end of September, we have 40% off EVERYTHING on our website. It includes foundational works of left theory from Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities, to Ellen Meiksin Wood's The Origin of Capitalism, Adorno's Minima Moralia, and Angela Davis's If They Come in the Morning.
For inspiration see our Top 10 Books Every Student Should Read, as well as all our subject-specific reading lists here. Science is never neutral, right? See our Radical STEM Reading; Which of our books are likely to be banned? It all comes back to capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy; Familiarize yourself with the far right with our Understanding the Enemy reading list; understand the historical roots of race in capitalism in our Who's Afraid of Critical Race Theory list; debate the future of work and the labor movement in our Why Does the Left Talk So Much About Work reading list; and analyze the politics of digital culture in our Should We All Log Off? reading list.
Bored of your reading lists? Not every book on your shelf should be one from a reading list. Inspire your radical politics on campus with these unmissable books (includes the Verso Book of Dissent, The Xenofeminist Manifesto, and our 2022 Radical Diary).
Throughout the month of September we will be doing flash ebook giveaways of core books from our Student reading: follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) or sign up to our mailing list so you don't miss out! (link at the bottom of this page, right-hand corner).
Discover all the books in our sale with these key reading lists:
Philosophy, Political Theory, Critical Theory, Art and Aesthetics, Race and Ethnicity, Economics, Environment and Ecology, Feminism and Gender, History, Architecture and Cities, Film and Media, Anthropology, Psychoanalysis, Cultural and Literary Theory, Sociology
Alternative reading guides: 10 Books Every Student Should Read, Anti-Fascism on Campus, Decolonize your Bookshelf!, Alternative Student Reading, Emerging Futures: Utopian Thinking, Jacobin Series: Radical Political Interventions, Key Marxist Thought, Decolonize Your Bookshelf
EU customers: please see our updated guidance post-Brexit.
Terms and conditions:
40% off applies to all the books on our site.
40% off applies where stock is still available (this may differ from region to region). Books may go out of stock during the sale.
40% off will end at 11:59PM EST on September 30, 2021.
EU customers should read this guidance before placing an order.
Not all books are for sale in every region. Please note where books are not for sale in specific regions.
Purchase of a print copy includes free bundled ebook (where available). There is further ebook information here.
Read more about our purchasing, shipping, delivery, and returns processes here.