Verso Spring 2017 preview!

- Illustration from Threads: From the Refugee Crisis by Kate Evans, publishing in June 2017. See the full extract in our Spring 2017 catalogue.
Download our Spring 2017 catalogue (ebook or pdf) to see what we have coming up this year, and, in the ebook version, read exclusive extracts from forthcoming books by China Miéville, Andy Merrifield, a heartbreaking graphic novel on the refugee crisis from Red Rosa creator, Kate Evans (see above), and Adam Greenfield.

Marked throughout the catalogue are books we’re publishing to celebrate the centenary of the Russian Revolution in 2017: an illuminating portrait of Lenin by Tariq Ali; a new book from Slavoj Žižek showing us why Lenin’s thought is still important today; and October: The Story of the Russian Revolution – in which acclaimed fantasy author China Miéville reimagines the Russian Revolution as a breathtaking story.
Other highlights include The Production of Money by leading political economist, Ann Pettifor, examining history’s most misunderstood invention: the money system; a radical history of squatting by Alex Vasudevan; a devastating analysis of what is happening to our universities by Stefan Collini, and Alex Vitale explains why we need to abolish the police. Futures of Black Radicalism looks at the past and future of black radicalism (and includes contributions from Angela Davis and Robin D.G. Kelley); Ilan Pappe deconstructs 10 myths about Israel; and Kate Evans (author and illustrator of acclaimed bestseller Red Rosa) brings us a heartbreaking, full-colour graphic novel of the refugee crisis, Threads.
Download the ebook catalogue (with exclusive extracts) here. The PDF of the catalogue is available here.