The Work of Stuart Hall

Stuart Hall was a truly seminal figure of the left. Below is a list of his (staggering) life's work. Thanks to Jeremy Gilbert for helping us to compile it.
- ‘A sense of classlessness’, Universities and Left Review 1(5), 26–32. 1960
- ‘Crosland territory’, New Left Review 2, 24.‘Crowther in cold storage’, New Left Review 3, 59–60.
- ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’, New Left Review 6, 32–6.
- ‘Sergeant Musgrave’s Dance’, New Left Review 1, 50–1.
- ‘The supply of demand’, in E.Thompson (ed.), Out of Apathy, London: New Left Books.
- ‘The New Frontier’, New Left Review 8, 47–8.
- (with N.Fruchter) ‘Notes on the Cuban dilemma’, New Left Review 9, 2–11.
- (with P.Anderson) ‘Politics of the Common Market’, New Left Review 10, 1–15.
- ‘Student journals’, New Left Review 7, 50–1.
- ‘Liberal studies’, in P.Whannel and P.Harcourt (eds), Studies in the Teaching of Film within Formal Education, London: British Film Institute, 10–27.
- (with P.Whannel) The Popular Arts, London: Hutchinson and Boston: Beacon Press.
- ‘Class and the Mass Media’, in R.Mabey (ed.) Class: A Symposium, London: Blond.
- ‘The formation of political consciousness’, in S.Clements and L.Bright (eds), - The Committed Church, London: Darton, Longman & Todd.
- ‘The condition of England question’, People and Politics (Easter).‘Cultural analysis’, Cambridge Review 89.
- ‘People, personalities and personalization’, in R.Hoggart (ed.), Writers and their Work, London: London University Press.
- ‘The world of the gossip column’, in R.Hoggart (ed.), Your Sunday Paper, London: London University Press.
- The Young Englanders, London: National Committee of Commonwealth Immigrants.
- ‘The hippies, an American moment’, in J.Nagel (ed.), Student Power, London: Merlin Press.
- ‘Popular press and social change’, Rowntree Report, London: Joseph Rowntree Social Services Trust.
- ‘Black Britons’, Community 1(2/3).‘Leisure, entertainment and mass communication’, Society and Leisure 2, 28–47.
- ‘Riflessioni sull’ informazione in Gran Bretagna’, Information Radio TV, Rome: RAI 12 (translated reprint).
- ‘A world at one with itself’, New Society 403, 1056–8.
- ‘Innovation and decline in cultural programming on television’, UNESCO Report, Birmingham: CCCS, University of Birmingham.
- ‘Life and death of Picture Post’, Cambridge Review 92.
- ‘Le rôle des programmes culturels dans la television Britannique’, in Essais sur les mass media et la culture, Paris: UNESCO.‘Introduction’,
- ‘Response to people and culture’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 1, 5–7; 97–102.
- ‘Black Britons’, in E.Butterworth and D.Weir (eds), Social Problems of Modern Britain, London: Fontana.
- ‘The determination of news photographs’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 3, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 53–88.
- ‘External/internal dialectic in broadcasting’, in Fourth Symposium on Broadcasting, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Manchester.
- ‘The hippies: dissent in America’, in P.Worsley (ed.), Problems of Modern Society, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
- ‘The limitations of broadcasting’, Listener 16.‘The social eye of Picture Post’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 2, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 71–120.
- ‘The determination of news photographs’, in S.Cohen and J.Young (eds), The Manufacture of News, London: Constable.
- ‘Deviancy, politics and the media’, in P.Rock and M.McIntosh (eds), Deviance and Social Control, London: Tavistock.
- ‘Encoding and decoding in the media discourse’, Stencilled Paper 7, Birmingham: CCCS.
- ‘Introduction’, in P.Walton and S.Hall (eds), Situating Marx, London: Human Context Books, 1–6.
- ‘The limitations of broadcasting’, The Second Listener Anthology, London: BBC.
- ‘The “structured communication” of events’, in Obstacles to Communication Symposium, Paris: UNESCO.
- ‘The television discourse’, in Criteria and Functions of Television Criticism (Prix Italia: proceedings), Turin: Edizioni Radiotelevisione Italiana.
- ‘Between two worlds’, in T.Berker (ed.), The Long March of Everyman, London: André Deutsch.
- ‘Education and the crisis of the urban school’, in J.Raynor (ed.), Issues in Urban Education, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
- ‘Encoding and decoding’, Broadcasters and the Audience, Venice: Prix Italia Symposium.
- ‘Marx’s notes on method: a “reading” of the “1857 Introduction”’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 6, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 132–71.
- ‘Media power: the double blind’, Journal of Communication 24(4), 19–26.(with A.Schuttleworth, C.Heck, and A.Lloyd), Television Violence: Crime, Drama and the Analysis of Content, Birmingham: CCCS.
- Africa is Alive and Well and Living in the Diaspora, Paris: UNESCO. - ‘Introduction’, in A.C.Smith, Paper Voices: The Popular Press and Social Change, 1935–1965, London: Chatto & Windus.
- (with T.Jefferson) Mugging and Law ’n Order, Stencilled Papers 36, Birmingham: CCCS.‘News and current affairs television’, in Proceedings of the XXVII Prix Italia, Media Research Conference, Florence: Edizioni Radiotelevisione Italiana.
- (with C.Critcher, J.Clarke, T.Jefferson and B.Roberts) ‘Newsmaking and crime’, Stencilled Paper 27, Birmingham: CCCS.
- ‘Newsmaking and Crime’, in Journalism, Broadcasting and Urban Crime, London: NACRO.
- Television as a Medium and Its Relation to Culture, Birmingham: CCCS.
- ‘Television, violence and crime’, in Research Methods and Results Concerning the Relationship between Violence, Television and Criminality, Florence: Prix Italia.
- ‘Broadcasting, politics and the state: the independent—impartiality couplet’, paper to 10th International Association for Mass Communication Research Symposium, University of Leicester.
- ‘Economic determinations on television fiction production’, in Proceedings of the XXVIII Prix Italia Research Seminar on Organization and Structure of Fiction in Television Production, Bologna: ERI/Radiotelevisone Italia.
- ‘Introduction’, to D.Selbourne, An Eye on China, London: Black Liberation Press.
- ‘Literature, society and the sociology of literature: a critical survey’, in F.Barker, P.Hulme et al. (eds), Literature, Society and the Sociology of Literature: Proceedings of the Conference, Colchester: University of Essex.
- (with T.Jefferson) (eds), Resistance through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Postwar Britain, (reproduction of Working Papers in Cultural Studies 7/8), London: Hutchinson.
- (with J.Clarke, T.Jefferson, and B.Roberts) ‘Subcultures, cultures and class: a theoretical overview’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 7/8, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 9–74.
- ‘Television and culture’, Sight and Sound 45(4).(with I.Connell and L.Curti) ‘The “unity” of current affairs television’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 9, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 51–94.
- ‘A critical survey of the theoretical and practical achievements of the last ten years’, in F.Barker, et al. (eds) Literature Society and the Sociology of Literature, University of Essex, 1–7.
- ‘Culture, the media, and the “ideological effect”’, in J.Curran et al. (eds), Mass Communication and Society, London: Edward Arnold, 315–48.
- ‘Developments in British youth culture’, Teaching London Kids 10.‘The hinterland of science: ideology and the “sociology of knowledge”’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 10, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 9–32.
- ‘Journalism of the air under review’, Journalism Studies Review 1(1), 43–5.(with B.Lumley and G.McLennan) ‘Politics and ideology: Gramsci’, Working Papers in Cultural Studies 10, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 45–76.
- (with I.Connell, L.Curti, I.Chambers and T.Jefferson) ‘Marxism and culture: a reply to Rosalind Coward’, Screen 18(4)(4).
- ‘Rethinking the “base and superstructure” metaphor’, in J.Bloomfield et al. (eds), Class, Hegemony and Party, London: Lawrence & Wishart.
Schooling and Society: A Review of Theories, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
- ‘Uber die arbeit das Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies’, Gulliver 2, Deutsch-Englishche Jahrbucher 2, Berlin: Argument Verlag.
- ‘Developments in British youth cultures’, Hard Times 3/4, Berlin: Deutsch-Britishen Gesellschaft.
- (with B.Lumley and G.McLennan) (eds), On Ideology (reproduction of Working Papers in Cultural Studies 10), Hutchinson/CCCS.
- ‘Marxism and culture’, Radical History Review 18, 5–14.‘Newspapers, politics and classes’, in J.Curran (ed.), The British Press: A Manifesto, London: Macmillan.
- ‘Pluralism, race and class in Caribbean society’, in Race and Class in Post-Colonial Society, Paris: UNESCO.
- (with C.Critcher, T.Jefferson, J.Clarke and B.Roberts) Policing the Crisis: ‘Mugging’, the State, and Law and Order, London: Macmillan.
- ‘The “Political” and the “Economic” in Marxist theory of classes’, in A.Hunt (ed.) Class and Class Structure, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 15–60.
- ‘Race and poverty’, in T.Blair (ed.), The Inner Cities, London: Central London
- Polytechnic Papers on the Environment.‘Racism and reaction’, in Five Views of Multi-Racial Britain, London: Commission on Racial Equality.
- ‘The racist within’, Listener, 20 July.
- ‘Die soziale optik der “Picture Post”, in E.Nierlich (ed.), Fremdsprachliche Literaturwissenschaft und Massenmedien, Meisenheim am Glan: Verlag Anton Hain.
- ‘The television Feuilleton and the domestication of the world’, in Television, Proceedings of the Prix-Italia Conference, Venice: ERI.
- ‘The treatment of “football hooliganism” in the press’, in R.Ingham (ed.), Football Hooliganism: The Wider Context, London: Inter-Action.
- ‘Cultures of resistance and “moral panics”’, Afras Review, University of Sussex.
- ‘The great moving right show’, Marxism Today, January, 14–20.
- ‘Some problems with the ideology/subject couplet’, Ideology and Consciousness 3, 113–21.
- ‘Cultural studies and the Centre: some problematics and problems’; ‘Introduction to media studies at the Cente’, ‘Encoding/decoding’; and ‘Recent developments in theories of language and ideology’, in S.Hall, D.Hobson, A.Lowe, and P. Willis (eds), Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies (1972–1979), Hutchinson/CCCS, 15–47, 117–21, 128–38, 157–62.
- ‘Cultural studies: two paradigms’, Media, Culture and Society 2, 57–72.Drifting into a law and order society, Cobden Trust lecture, London: Cobden Trust.
- ‘Nicos Poulantzas: state, power, socialism’, New Left Review 119, 60–9.
- ‘Popular-decomcratic vs. authoritarian-populism: two ways of “taking democracy seriously”’, in A.Hunt (ed.), Marxism and Democracy, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 157–85.
- ‘Race, articulation, and societies structured in dominance’, in Sociological Theories: Race and Colonialism, Paris: UNESCO, 305–45.
- ‘Race, class and Ideology’, Das Argument, July.
- ‘The Raymond Williams Interviews’, Screen Education 34, 94–104.
- ‘Reformism and the legislation of consent’, in J.Clarke, M.Fitzgerald et al. (eds), Permissiveness and Control, Macmillan and the National Deviancy Conference.
- ‘Thatcherism: a new stage?’, Marxism Today, February, 22–7.
- ‘Conformity, consensus and conflict: introduction’, in D.Potter et al. (eds), Society and the Social Sciences, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 221–5.
- (with P.Scraton) ‘Law, class and control’, in M.Fitzgerald et al. (eds), Crime and Society, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- ‘The “little Caesars” of social democracy’, Marxism Today, April, 11–15.
- ‘Moving Right’, Socialist Review 55, 113–37.
- ‘Notes on deconstructing “the Popular”’; and ‘In defence of theory’, in R.Samuel (ed.), People’s History and Socialist Theory, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 227–40, 378–85.
- ‘Representations of race in the media: viewpoint 2’, Multi-Racial Education 9(2).
- ‘Schooling, state and society’, in R.Dale et al. (eds), Education and State 1: Schooling and National Interest, Sussex: Falmer Press, 3–29.
- ‘The whites of their eyes: racist ideologies and the media’, in George Bridges and Ros Brunt (eds), Silver Linings, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 28–52.
- ‘The battle for socialist ideas in the 1980s’ in R.Milibond and J.Saville (eds), Socialist Register, London: Merlin Press.
- ‘Culture and the state’, in Popular Culture and the State 1, Block 7, Unit 28, Milton Keynes: Open University.
- ‘The empire strikes back’, New Socialist, July/August.‘A long haul’, Marxism Today, November, 16–21.
- ‘The rediscovery of “ideology”: return of the repressed in media studies’, in M. Gurevitch, T.Bennett, J.Curran and S.Woollacott (eds), Culture, Society, and the Media, London: Methuen, 56–90.
- ‘Construction of race in the media’, Das Argument 134.‘Ideologies, racisms and the populism of the New Right’, Hard Times 23, 16–21.
- ‘The impact of the cultural industries on western European societies’, in Peter Duelund (ed.), Kulturindustri og nordisk kulturpolitik, Kobenhaven: Nord, 20– 44.(with M.Jacques)
- ‘Introduction’, in S.Hall and M.Jacques (eds), The Politics of
Thatcherism, London: Lawrence & Wishart.
- ‘The problem of ideology: marxism without guarantees’, in B.Matthews (ed.), Marx 100 Years on, London: Lawrence & Wishart.
- ‘Punk in the UK: an interview with Stuart Hall’, Shades, 26–9.
- ‘Teaching race’, Early Child Development 10(4)
- ‘Thatcherism: rolling back the welfare state’, Thesis Eleven 7, 6–19.
- ‘Whistling in the void’, New Socialist, May/June, 8–12.
- ‘Conjuring Leviathan: Orwell on the state’, in C.Norris (ed.), Inside the myth— Orwell: views from the Left, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 217–41.
- ‘The crisis of Labourism’, in J.Curran (ed.), The Future of the Left, Cambridge: Polity Press, 23–36.
- ‘The culture gap’, Marxism Today, January, 18–23.
- ‘Education in crisis’, in J.Donald and H.Wolpe (eds), Is There Anyone Here from Education?, London: Pluto Press.
- ‘Face the future’, New Socialist, September, 37–9.
- ‘Introduction’, Block 1; ‘Unpacking Orwell’, Block 1, Unit 1; ‘The state in question’, Block 1, Unit 2; ‘Introduction: the state and civil society’, Block 3; ‘The representative-interventionist state, 1880s to 1920s’, Block 3, Unit 7; ‘Conclusion’, Block 3, in Open University Course Blocks, Course D, 209
- The State and Society, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
- ‘Labour’s Love Still Lost’, New Socialist, January/February, 7–9.
- ‘The narrative construction of reality: an interview with Stuart Hall’, Southern Review 17(1), 3–17.
- ‘Reconstruction work’, Ten-8 16, 2–9.
- ‘The rise of the representative/interventionist state’, in G.McLennan, D.Held, and S.Hall (eds), State and Society in Contemporary Britain, New York: Polity Press, 7–49.
- ‘The state in question’, in G.McLennan, D.Held, and S.Hall (eds), The Idea of the Modern State, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1–28.
- ‘The state: socialism’s old caretaker’, Marxism Today, January, 15–19.
- ‘Authoritarian populism: a reply to Jessop et al.’, New Left Review 151, 115–24.
- ‘Cold Comfort Farm’, New Socialist, November, 10–12.
- ‘Faith, hope or clarity’, Marxism Today, January, 15–19.‘Realignment: for what?’, Marxism Today, December, 12–17.
- ‘Religious ideology and social movement in Jamaica’, in R.Bocock and K. Thompson (eds), Religion and Ideology, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 269–96.
- (with Umberto Eco) ‘The role of the intellectual is to produce crisis: a conversation’, Listener, May 16, 14–16.
- ‘Signification, representation, ideology: Althusser and the post-structuralist debates’, Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2(2), 91–114.
- (with Bill Schwarz) ‘State and Society, 1880–1930’, in M.Langan and B.Schwarz (eds), Crises in the British State, 1880–1930, London: Hutchinson, 7–32.
- (with James Anderson) ‘Absolutism and other ancestors’, in J.Anderson (ed.), The Rise of the Modern State, Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 21–40.
- (with B.Campbell) (ed.), Class and Politics after Thatcherism, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- ‘Foreword’, in John Hargreaves, Sport, Power and Culture, London: Polity Press, xi–xii.
- ‘Gramsci’s relevance for the study of race and ethnicity’, Journal of Communication Inquiry 10(2), 5–27.
- ‘Introduction’ to W.F.Haug, Commodity Aesthetics, Ideology and Culture, New York: International General, 1–4.
- ‘Introduction’, in David Morley, Family Television: Cultural Power and Domestic Leisure, London: Comedia, 7–10.
- ‘Introduction’ and ‘Variants of liberalism’, in J.Donald and S.Hall (eds), Politics and Ideology, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, ix-xx, 34–69.
- ‘Media power and class power’, in J.Curran et al. (eds), Bending Reality: the State of the Media, London: Pluto, 5–14.
- ‘No light at the end of the tunnel’, Marxism Today, December, 12–16.
- (with M.Jacques) ‘People aid: a new politics sweeps the land’, Marxism Today, July, 10–14.
- ‘Popular culture and the state’, in T.Bennett, C.Mercer and J.Woollacott (eds), Popular Culture and Social Relations, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 22–49.
- ‘On postmodernism and articulation: an interview with Stuart Hall’, Journal of Communication Inquiry 10(2), 45–60.
- ‘The problem of ideology: marxism without guarantees’, Journal of
Communication Inquiry 10(2), 28–43.
- ‘Blue election, election blues’, Marxism Today, July, 30–5.
- ‘Gramsci and us’, Marxism Today, June, 16–21.
- ‘Introduction’ to J.Hargreaves, Sport and Power, New York: International General.
- ‘Kodowanie i dekoduanie’, Przekazy I Opinie 1/2(47/48), 58–72.
- ‘The mirror or the lens?’; ‘Prospects’, in N.Goldman and S.Hall, Pictures of Everyday Life: The People, Places and Cultures of the Commonwealth, London: Comedia, 9–15, 148–51.
- ‘Popular culture as a factor of intercultural understanding’, in Human Rights Teaching vi, Paris: UNESCO.‘
- In praise of the peculiar’, Marxism Today, April (Gramsci Supplement), vi–vii.
- ‘Urban unrest in Britain’, in J.Benyon and I.Solomos (eds), The Roots of Urban Unrest, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 45–50. 1988
- ‘Brave New World’, Marxism Today, October, 24–9.Culture and Globalization, E.Allarat, S.Hall and I.Wallerstein, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.
- ‘Death of the welfare state’, New Internationalist 188.
- ‘Introduction’ to Forty Years On: Memories of Britain’s Postwar Caribbean Immigrants, Lambeth Council.
- The hard road to renewal: Thatcherism and the crisis of the Left, London: Verso.
- ‘Kulttuurilaistelu ja vastarinta’, in Katarina Eskola and Erkki Vainikkala (eds), Maailmankulttllurin aurella, Jyvaskyla: Jyvaskylan yliopisto, Nykykulttuurin tutkimusyksikko, 68–86.
- ‘Migration from the English-speaking Caribbean to the UK, 1950–80’, in R. Appleyard (ed.), International Migration Today, 1: Trends and Prospects, Paris, UNESCO.
- ‘Minimal selves’, in Identity: The Real Me, ICA Documents 6, London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 44–6.‘New ethnicities’, in K.Mercer (ed.), Black Film, British Cinema, BFI/ICA Documents 7, 27–31.
- (with M.Jacques) ‘1968’, Marxism Today, May, 24–7.
- ‘Only connect: the life of Raymond Williams’, New Statesman 5, February, 20–1.
- ‘Thatcher’s lessons’, Marxism Today, March, 20–7.
- ‘The Toad in the garden: Thatcherism amongst the theorists’, and ‘Discussion’, in C.Nelson and L.Grossberg (eds), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 35–57, 58–73.
- ‘The work of art in the electronic age’, Block 14.
- ‘Authoritarian populism’ in B.Jessop, et al., (eds), Thatcherism, Cambridge: Polity Press, 99–107.
- Ausgewahlte Schriften: Ideologie, Kultur, Medien, Neue Rechte, Rassismus, Hamburg: Argument Verlag (trans. Nora Rathzel).
- ‘Cultural identity and cinematic representation’, Framework 36, 68–81.
- ‘Ethnicity: identities and difference’, Radical America 23(4), 9–20.
- ‘The “first” New Left: life and times’ and ‘Then and now: a re-evaluation of the New Left’ (discussion), in Oxford University Socialist Group (ed.), Out of Apathy: Voices of the New Left Thirty Years On, London: Verso, 11–38, 143–70.
- ‘Ideology’ in International Encyclopedia of Communications, New York: Oxford University Press, 307–11.
- ‘Ideology and communication theory’, in B.Dervin et al. (eds), Rethinking Communication, vol. I: Paradigm Issues, Newbury Park: Sage, 40–52.
- (with M.Jacques) ‘Introduction’, in S.Hall and M.Jacques (eds), New Times: The Changing Face of Politics in the 1990s, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 11–20.
- ‘C.L.R.James: the life of a Caribbean historian’, New Statesman and Society, 9 June, 21–7.
- (with D.Held) ‘Left and rights’, Marxism Today, June, 16–23.
- ‘New Times’, Irish Times, 30 December.
- ‘O postmodern-igmu i arrikulajciji’, Nose Teme 33(9), 2301–16.
- ‘Rassismus als ideologischer Diskurs’, Das Argument 178, 913–21.
- ‘Sons and daughters of the diaspora: Review of Armet Francis’ Children of the Black Triangle, Artrage (Spring), 46–7.
- (with F.Jameson) ‘Clinging to the wreckage: a conversation’, Marxism Today, September, 28–31.
- ‘Coming up for air’, Marxism Today, March, 22–5.‘Cultural identity and diaspora’, in Jonathan Rutherford (ed.), Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 222–37
- ‘The emergence of cultural studies and the crisis of the humanities’, October 53, 11–23.
- (with M.Jacques) ‘March without vision’, Marxism Today, December, 26–31.
- ‘Thatchers regime: Linke Identitaten’, Sozialismus 1, 73–6.The Voluntary Sector under Attack, Voluntary Action Council Pamphlets, London, 1–22.
- ‘The whites of their eyes’ (revised) in M.Alvarado and J.O.Thompson (eds), The Media Reader, London: British Film Institute, 7–23.
- ‘Brave New World: the debate about post-Fordism’, Socialist Review 21(1), San Francisco, 57–64.
- ‘Chopping logic: Jameson’s postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalism’, Marxism Today: Review of Books.
- ‘Europe’s other self’, Marxism Today, August, 18–19.‘Gramsci och ir’, Semit 3, University of Lund, Sweden, 61–9.
- ‘Ideolgie und Okonomie-Marxismus ohne Gewähr’, European Journal for Semiotic Studies 3(1–2), 229–54.
- ‘The local and the global: globalization and ethnicity’ and ‘Old and new identities, old and new ethnicities’, in Anthony D.King (ed.), Culture, Globalization and the World System, London: Macmillan, 19–39, 41–68
- Het Minimale Zelf en Andere Opstallen (The Minimal Self and Other Essays), Selected Essays, Amsterdam: Leitgeverji Sua, 1–221
- ‘And Not a Shot Fired’, Marxism Today, December 1991/January 1992, 10–15.
- ‘Das Okologie-Problem un die Notwendigkeiten linker Politik’, Argument 189, Berlin, 665–74.‘Reading Gramsci’, in Roger Simon (ed.), Gramsci’s Political Thought, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 7–10.
- ‘Reconstruction work: images of post-war black settlement’ in Jo Spence and Patricia Holland (eds), Family Snaps: The Meaning of Domestic Photography, London: Virago, 152–64.
- ‘Vasemmislon on kohdattava marginaalit’, Ydin 3, 4–8.
- ‘You Can’t Go Home Again’ (review of Salman Rushdie’s Imaginary Homelands), Sight and Sound, July.
- (with D.A.Bailey), ‘Critical decade: an introduction’, and ‘Vertigo of displacement: shifts within black documentary practices’, Ten-8 20(3), Critical Decade: Black British Photography in the 80s, 4–7, 14–23.
- ‘Crossing boundaries: stitching the self in place’, in Nothing Stands Still, Crossing Boundaries Seminar, European Network for Cultural and Media Studies, Amsterdam, 4–13.
- ‘Cultural identity and cinematic representation’, in Mbye Cham (ed.), Exiles: Essays on Caribbean Cinema, London: Africa World Press, 220–36.
- ‘Cultural studies and its theoretical legacies’, in L.Grossberg, C.Nelson and P. Treichler (eds), Cultural Studies, New York: Routledge, 277–94.
- ‘The election: no new vision, no new votes’, New Statesman and Society, 17 April.
- ‘Identity and the black photographic image’, ‘Reconstruction work’, Ten-8 20(3 op. Cit), 24–31, 106–13.
- Kulttuurin Ja Politiikan Murroksia (Selected Essays on Culture and Politics), Tampara: Vastapainoi, 1–380.
- ‘Our mongrel selves’, Raymond Williams Memorial Lecture, Borderlands supplement, New Statesman, 19 June.
- ‘New ethnicities’, in J.Donald and A.Rattansi (eds), ‘Race’, Culture and Difference, London: Sage, 252–60.
- ‘On postmodernism and articulation: an interview with Stuart Hall’, in Kuan-Hsing Chen and Ming-ming Yang (eds), Cultural Studies: The Implosion of McDonald, Taipei: Isle Margin (a Chinese translation).
- ‘The question of cultural identity’, in S.Hall, D.Held, T.McGrew (eds), Modernity and Its Future, Cambridge: Polity Press, 274–316.
- ‘Race, culture and communication: looking backward and forward at cultural studies’, Rethinking Marxism 5(1), 11–18.
- ‘The rediscovery of “ideology”: return of the repressed in media studies’ in Kuan- Hsing Chen (ed.), Culture, Society, and the Media, Taipei: Yuan-Liu Press (a Chinese translation).
- ‘The West and the rest: discourse and power’, in S.Hall and Bram Gieben (eds), Formations of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press, 275–320.
- ‘What is this “black” in black popular culture?’, in Gina Dent (ed.), Black Popular Culture, Seattle: Bay Press, 21–33.
- ‘For Allon White: metaphors of transformation’, ‘Introduction’ to Allon White, Carnival, Hysteria, Writing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- ‘Culture, community, nation’, Cultural Studies 7(3), 349–63.‘Deviancy, politics and the media’, reprinted in H.Abelove, et al. (eds), The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, London: Routledge.
- ‘European cinema on the verge of a nervous breakdown’, in Duncan Petrie (ed.), Screening Europe: Image and Identity in European Cinema, London: British Film Institute, 45–53.
- ‘Minimal selves’, reprinted in Studying Culture, op. Cit., 134–9.
- Minimal Selves, Taiwan: Isle Margin, no. 8 (a Chinese translation).
- ‘The new Europe’, in Sunil Gupta (ed.), Disrupted Borders, London: Rivers Oram Press.
- ‘Reflections upon the encoding/decoding model: an interview with Stuart Hall’, in Jon Cruz and Justin Lewis (eds), Viewing, Reading, Listening: Audiences and Cultural Reception, Boulder: Westview Press, 253–74.
- ‘The television discourse: encoding and decoding’, reprinted in Ann Gray and Jim McGuigan (eds), Studying Culture, London: Edward Arnold, 28–34.
- ‘Vanley Burke and the desire for blackness’, in Mark Sealy (ed.), Vanley Burke: A Retrospective, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 12–15.
- ‘What is this “black” in black popular culture?’, reprinted in special issue ‘Rethinking Race’, Social Justice 20(1–2), 101–14.
- ‘Which public, whose service?’, in W.Stevenson (ed.), All Our Futures: The Changing Role and Purpose of the BBC, BBC Charter Review Series, London: British Film Institute.
- ‘The Williams interviews’, in M.Alvarado, et al. (eds), The Screen Education Reader, London: Macmillan.
- ‘Cultural identity and diaspora’, in P.Williams and L.Chrisman (eds), Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 392–401.
- ‘Cultural studies: two paradigms’, in R.Davis and R.Schleafer (eds), Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies, New York and London: Longman, 609–25.
- ‘Cultural studies: two paradigms’, in N.Dirks, E.Eley and S.Ortner (eds), Culture, Power, Harmony: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 520–38.
- ‘Encoding/decoding’, in D.Graddel and O.Boyd Barrett (eds), Media Texts: Authors and Readers, Milton Keynes: Open University Press and Multi-Lingual Matters.
- ‘Myths of Caribbean identity’, text of the Walter Rodney Memorial Lecture, Centre for Caribbean Studies, Warwick University.
- ‘Some incorrect paths through political correctness’, in S.Dunant (ed.), The War of Words, London: Virago.
- ‘Whose English?’, in C.Bazalgette (ed.), Balancing Literature, Language and Media in the National Curriculum: Report of Commission of Inquiry into English, London: British Film Institute.
- Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, Open University Course Book, Sage
- 'Culture and Power', Radical Philosophy, December
- 'Tony Blair: the greatest Tory since Margaret Thatcher?', The Guardian
- 'The Great Moving Nowhere Show', Marxism Today, November/December
- 'New Labour's Double Shuffle', Soundings
- (with Doreen Massey and Michael Rustin) 'After neoliberalism: analysing the present', Soundings, 53, 8-22
- (with Doreen Massey and Michael Rustin, ed) 'The Kilburn Manifesto', Soundings