In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight:Movies and Spectators After the Cinema

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The metamorphosis of the spectator and the arts in the age of YouTube

From plasma screens to smartphones, today moving images are everywhere. How have films adapted to this new environment? And how has the experience of the spectator changed because of this proliferation? In Broad Daylight investigates one of the decisive shifts in the history of Western aesthetics, exploring the metamorphosis of films in the age of individual media, when the public is increasingly free but also increasingly resistant to the emotive force of the pictures flashing around us. Moving deftly from philosophy of mind to film theory, from architectural practice to ethics, from Leon Battista Alberti to Orson Welles, Gabriele Pedullà examines the revolution that is reshaping the entire system of the arts and creativity in all its manifestations.


  • Charming and highly readable ... the book is well observed and gives a concise sense of what may be at stake in the current technological transformations of film viewing.

  • Insights abound, and the author’s facility with so many different disciplines—from ancient Greek philosophy to 20th century semiotics—will ensure that casual filmgoers and academics alike find something salient to ponder in Pedullà’s treatise.

    Publishers Weekly
  • Technical reproducibility of the work of art and anatomy of the society of the spectacle: Pedullà’s book is the first to take a real step forward from the analyses of Walter Benjamin and Guy Debord.

    Paolo Virno, author of A Grammar of the Multitude